Your Personalized Wellness Compass
Imagine having a personalized health assistant that can assess your well-being in minutes. Zyto Link is just that. This innovative technology provides a unique snapshot of your body's energetic state.
How Does it Work?
Zyto Link uses gentle light sensors to measure subtle energy patterns on your face. These patterns can reflect the overall balance or imbalance in your body's systems. It's like taking a temperature to get a sense of your overall health, but for your energy.
This information is then analyzed by advanced technology to create a personalized report. Think of it as a detailed map of your body's terrain, highlighting areas that may need extra attention. Based on these insights, we can recommend tailored solutions such as specific supplements, lifestyle adjustments, or additional therapies to support your

Unleashing Your Body's Potential
Zyto Link empowers you to take an active role in your health journey. By understanding your body's unique needs, you can make informed decisions to optimize your well-being. Experience the power of personalized wellness with Zyto Link.
Natural Healing
Embark on a transformative odyssey of natural healing, where the synergy of ancient wisdom and modern wellness converges. Immerse yourself in the therapeutic aroma of ethically crafted essential oils, unlocking the potential of nature’s botanical wonders. Elevate your vitality with thoughtfully curated natural supplements, designed to harmonize your body’s rhythm and enhance holistic well-being.
The ZYTO Link app combines leading-edge health assessment technology with ZYTO’s proprietary scanning process. The result is a fast, accurate wellness scan that provides a wealth of information, including top essential oils and supplements the body prefers.
The Link scan analyzes facial blood-flow patterns to determine the person’s heart rate, heart-rate variability, breathing rate, skin age, and mental stress level. After incorporating these measurements from the face scan, the Link scan measures the body’s responses to various biomarkers. Biomarkers are digital representations of actual components of the body, such as organs, glands, and systems, as well as lifestyle factors and emotions. Lastly, Link measures the body’s responses to various wellness products and services to determine which ones the body prefers the most.

Want to learn more about Zyto Link?
At Luminous Healing, I prioritize a highly personalized experience for each individual. I recognize that wellness is not ‘one size fits all.’ Therefore, I invest dedicated time tailoring my services precisely to the unique needs of each client. My intention is clear: to offer life-changing experiences, unparalleled integrative treatment, and empower my clients to live their best quality lives possible.